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What is a Brand Audit and Why Do I Need One?

What is a Brand Audit?

To guide business growth, define your brand, and refine it, a brand audit is essential. But how can you determine if your small business needs one? The first step is understanding how a brand audit can benefit your business and brand.

A brand audit is a comprehensive evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of a brand. A brand uses it to assess its performance, identify opportunities for improvement, and make strategic decisions.

Brand audits help companies improve customer experience by understanding how customers perceive them in relation to their competitors. They offer valuable insights on how to drive growth by developing strategies that differentiate themselves from others offering similar products at the same price point.

A brand audit is a strategic process that assesses a brand’s current position within the market. It provides an opportunity to identify strengths and areas of improvement in comparison to competitors. As well as actionable insights that can be leveraged to enhance overall performance and achieve business longterm business goals.

Who is the ideal candidate for a brand audit?

A brand audit is an ideal choice for entrepreneurs seeking to grow their business or establish a consistent brand image across all touchpoints, including websites, social media platforms, and physical marketing materials.

If you’re uncertain about your brand’s offerings or unsure of how your target audience perceives it, a brand audit can bridge the gap between the two. By identifying gaps between your offerings and your customers’ needs, a brand audit can provide actionable insights to help your business achieve its goals. This is especially useful in times of economic uncertainty. Strong brand survive recessions.

Example: Your Target Audience is Not Responding to the Existing Brand Identity

When your buyer persona does not respond well to your current brand identity, this is usuallly due to a lack of knowledge of your audience. Performing a brand audit helps you to identify the problem and make appropriate changes for your targeted audiences to react to your brand strategy.

Why and When Do I Need a Brand Audit?

A brand audit is a process that helps you evaluate the current state of your brand. It helps you identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities to improve. It also helps you determine who your target audience is and how they perceive you as a business or organization. The results will give you clear direction on how to improve your marketing strategy moving forward.

In a perfect world, brands should perform a brand audit annually to keep up with industry trends and ensure that all aspects of your marketing efforts are aligned with each other. This will ensure that they work together efficiently as one cohesive effort, rather than being scattered across multiple channels without any real strategy behind them. Brand audits also ensure you don’t fall into the trap of thinking your brand is better than it actually is. It can help determine if you’re doing something unique and valuable, or if you’re just riding a trend that will eventually dissapate.

What is Included in a Brand Audit?

A brand audit is a comprehensive review of all aspects of your company’s marketing and communications, including:

  • Marketing materials
  • Social media accounts
  • Website design and functionality
  • Mission statement and vision statement (if you have them)
  • Competitive landspace
  • recommendations for visual identity
  • Internal brand culture assessment

The Brand Audit Process

close up image of woman's torso as she is holding an ipad and stylus. Woman is tattood. She is writing notes on the ipad with her stylus.

Depending on the brand, the brand audit process takes different forms internally and externally. Overall, brand audits help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your brand. The typical framework to the Branding Bungalow Brand Audit is:

1. Collect Brand Information

To conduct a brand audit, we’ll need to collect all physical brand materials, online presence (website, social media) material, as well as product details and KPIs. We will need information on former clients and employees.

Brand audits can take different forms internally and externally depending on your business’ industry and size. Internal branding includes values, missions, and culture for a team. External branding includes areas such as social media, website development, customer relations marketing, and customer service. These are all brand touch points in which we will analyze.

2. Analyze Current Brand Materials and Brand Performance

Once we have collected all your brand materials, we analyze. We will begin to form a clear understanding who you want to focus your efforts on most and the ways you can get them throughout the customer lifecycle. Clearly understanding how to meet your customer’s needs helps improve your product/service offerings. It also assists you in designing campaigns for your audience.

Some of the questions a brand audit will dive into are:

  • What can be done about brand promotion?
  • What is your customers perception of your company? What does their look like?
  • Does the product/service meet client needs and expectations?
  • Do brands have strategic positioning?

Your customers can also give you valuable information about your products or services. How can you determine a product’s positive and negative aspects? It will help answer the most important question people are looking up in the metrics like customer care and how to make a better decisions for you client acquisition and retention.

3. Compare your Competitive Position

Then an audit of brand information helps you understand your competitors position. You’ll see what your competition’s products offer, marketing strategies and your customers’ expectations. It helps you adjust your business strategies if needed for the best possible results. A brand audit can help identify new market segments that a brand can enter. If you compare your company’s product lines against your competitor’s, you may be able to pinpoint underserved market segments you could exploit. Alternatively you could look for a comparison of brand attitudes versus competitions.

4. Explore Opportunities & Find a Competitive Advantage

Ultimately, branding focuses primarily on improving brand awareness, equity and ultimately revenues. What are brands that are successful? What is the difference? In the context of successful brands, the ability to achieve competition is transformational. Branding Bungalow’s Brand Audit examine sthe competitive landscape and looks into other perspectives to find more competitive advantages.

5. Create Action Plan

We will then create a plan of action that will offer insight into your brand’s strengths and weaknesses within your industry, as well as opportunities to jump on that your competition has yet to capitalize on. We may suggest a rebrand for a more cohesive brand identity, too.

How Long Does It Take to Complete the Brand Audit Process?

The length of time it takes to complete a brand audit depends on the size of your business. If you have a small company, it will likely take just a few hours or days to complete. Larger organizations may require more time.

If you’re wondering how long it will take to complete for your brand audit, consider:

  • The complexity of your company’s products/services and market position (aka what makes them unique).
  • The number of employees within each department (if there are multiple teams working on different aspects).

Example: If one person manages everything marketing, another manages website copywriting, while another person handles product development with input from 3rd party contractor, then obviously, these thee areas require different types of expertise. Therefore, we will need to conduct three separate audits, as each area could potentially impact the other negatively if left unchecked.

What will I receive from my brand audit?

You’ll receive a detailed report that includes:

  • Brand audit results, including an overview of your current brand, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities for improvement and more.
  • Recommendations for how to improve your brand based on the findings of the audit.
  • An action plan outlining steps you can take moving forward to build a stronger and more cohesive identity for your business or organization

How Can I Use The Results of My Brand Audit to Improve My Business’s Marketing Efforts?

Once we have completed your brand audit, it’s important to use the results of the audit to either rebrand or improve your marketing efforts. Here are some ways that you can do this:

  • Use the information gathered as a guide for making better decisions. A brand audit will plainly explain how your current business model may not be working. For example, if one of your core values is “community,” but only 10% of people who visit your website actually buy anything from you (or subscribe), then there is an issue. Use the information from the brand audit ass motivation to make those changes.
  • Improve existing marketing materials such as brochures, websites, or social media profiles.
  • Use data collected during these studies to inform future campaigns designed specifically for each channel based on what worked well before This could mean focusing more heavily on paid ads instead of content creation alone.
  • Enhance customer experience by offering personalized experiences based on past purchases history. This could be through email campaigns, client gifts, or perfecting onboarding/off-boarding processes.

The Result: Increase Customer Acquisition and Conversion Rates

There is a trickle down effect. If you have a clear vision of your company’s brand then it is easier to make that clear to everyone in your business. Lets continue on the logic. The clearer your branding positioning is and the more clear your branding promise, the more effective your message is for your target market. They are a communication tool which will increase customer acquisition and retention. However, brand audits are not guarantees. However, if you are clear and concise with every element of your brand, you can quickly move into an area that will improve customer satisfaction

Branding Bungalow is Your Brand Audit Agency

Brand audits are a great way to propel your existing small business farther. Branding Bungalow is an agency dedicated solely to helping small businesses with big branding strategies. This includes in-depth brand audits mean’t to set you up for either a reassessment or current marketing campaigns or a brand revamp.

Ready to make take the first step to increases your marketing campaigns, client acquisition, and conversion rates? Click here to become a client.


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